Activated Charcoal is one of the best natural pore cleansing ingredients found in nature. Activated charcoal works to keep your skin looking younger and clearing your pores of any impurities. It is important to keep your pores clean, with activated charcoal however, your skin also receives the amazing benefits the charcoal provides! A small scoop of activated charcoal goes a long way. Skin care products that are formulated with charcoal have powerful pore-cleansing abilities and can also detoxify the skin, clearing any blemishes found on the skin.
Activated Charcoal work by trapping toxins and chemical and preventing them from being absorbed by the skin. Charcoal has a very porous texture that has a negative electrical charge. This negative charge attracts positively charged molecules such as toxins and chemicals. Activated charcoal can not be absorbed by your body, thus it carried out any toxins attached to it when you cleanse your face.
Activated Charcoal also helps with acne-prone skin. Acne is caused by a build up of oils and dead skin cells that are trapped in our pores. The build up may contain acne-causing bacteria that triggers pimples and other inflammatory lesions. This can overall cause the skin to become red, swell, or irritated. Activated charcoal can also treat bug bites. Bug bites can cause your skin to itch and swell, applying charcoal to the skin can neutralize the toxins in the insect venom and help lessen the sting form the initial bite.
What to Look for in a Charcoal Mask
You can make your own charcoal mask at home with various ingredients, or you can buy a pre-made mask at beauty stores. When buying a pre-made mask choose ingredients that are best suited for your skin type.
- If you have dry skin, choose a charcoal mask that contains ingredients that hydrates the skin. Good ingredients to an eye out are hyaluronic acid, olive oil, or jojoba oil.
- If you have oily skin, look for charcoal mask that contain clay. Clay can absorb excess oil while also helping to clean out your pores to prevent acne.
There are many brands with varying ingredients, so be sure to read the product labels carefully. Try avoiding products with fragrances, dyes, or other chemicals that man cause sensitive skin to react.

Importance of Taking Care of Your Pores
Your body naturally produces oil and are released through the pores on your skin. When your pores are not clean, it can cause a blockage or infection and can cause acne or blackheads. Although they may be tedious to take care of, your body needs it. Everyone has different skin; thus, some people may be born with larger pores than others.
While you cannot get rid of them, there are products that can help minimize the appearance, such as products infused with Activated Charcoal. Although it is essential to maintain a balanced skincare routine, here are some extra steps you can take to ensure maximum effort in reducing the look of pores.
- Keep dirty and oily hands away from the face
- Use SPF to block any harmful UV rays
- Use gentle enzyme exfoliants instead of harsh scrubs
- Moisturize daily
Amire's Dead Sea Salt Charcoal Scrub
Amire’s charcoal scrub focuses on purifying and detoxifying the pores of your skin, leaving cleaner and clearer. The activated charcoal within the scrub attracts any toxins found on your skin and flushes out any impurities. Our product is also infused with aloe vera and chamomile which can help with softening and smoothing the skin. After using the scrub, your skin will feel refreshed and hydrated. Our scrub is recommended for all skin types but is best suited for oily and acne-prone skin.