
FREE Premium Hemp Oil

We're Giving Away Free Pet and Human Hemp Oil

For the entire summer, Shop Amire is giving away FREE hemp for orders $50 or more. We also have hemp for your furbabies because we know they are just as sensitive as we are. Especially as we approach the 4th of July, fireworks have been going off almost every night. The constant loud sound hurt our little furry friends because they are so much more sensitive to things than we hoomans. FREE PET OR HUMAN CBD by Amire Cosmetics Model Melissa with Amire Cosmetics CBD Let's not forget about ourselves. 2020 has been the year none of us were expecting, but a year we all needed. The anxiety of the world-changing right in front of us may be so hard to bear.

What is Hemp Oil?

Hemp oil or "hempseed oil" is the oil extracted from the seeds of industrial hemp. Hemp is a variety of the cannabis Sativa plant. Hemp oil is nutrient-rich and contains no cannabinoids. Our hemp oil contains 0 THC, which means there will be no weird effects after taking it (no high). Hemp can be found in many products that we use in our everyday lives. Many beauty and wellness products contain hemp. It can also be used for food, fiber, and building materials. Want to learn more about hemp? Check out our blog to learn more benefits and how to use it!

How does hemp work for pets?

Hemp oil has similar benefits for our pets that we get as humans. Many owners reported that hemp has helped as a treatment for pain, arthritis, seizures, anxiety, cognitive dysfunction, and more! This is Bubu, she is our main pet ambassador. She is a 9-year-old chihuahua that suffers from seizures. Since using our pet hemp oil, her seizures have dramatically improved.
How Bubu and her furiends use our Pet Hemp
Giving dogs and cats hemp can be such a simple task, but helps them in more ways than we know. Bubu is not the only dog in her household. She has 2 other furry friends that reap the benefits of it too. In their house, 1-2 drops of hemp are added to the dog's water. That way throughout the day, they're constantly getting the benefits.
  • 9 years old
  • Takes a full droplet when going on adventures
  • Much more energy and can do 8+ miles easily
  • Sleeps like a baby
  • Since starting our pet hemp, she no longer has breakthrough seizures and hasn't had to increase medication dosage
  • 12.5 years old
  • Pure Breed
  • Sleeps better (does not get up at night)
  • Less joint pain - can go up the stairs
  • Less anxious
  • 11 years old
  • Barks less
  • Sleeps through the entire night
  • No joint pain
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