
Skincare Myths Debunked by Experts

With the beauty community constantly coming out with new skin-care products, old methods and skincare advice that our parents taught us may no longer serve a purpose.

Skincare Myth #1

It was once believed that darker-skinned people do not need to wear sunscreen because they do not burn. However, this is not true at all. People with light skin are more likely to get sunburned a lot faster, but that there is a good reason for it. When the skin absorbed the UV rays, this causes the skin to tan. This tan is caused by melanocytes, the cells that make the brown pigment called melanin, increasing their activity. Melanin helps block out UV rays, which is why darker skin is less likely to get sunburn or sunburns a lot slower. darker-skinned-woman-applying-sunscreen

Skincare Myth #2

For all of your chocolate lovers, I'm sure you heard that eating too much will cause acne. The science behind this claim doesn't fully support it. However, there is a connection between the food you eat and acne. It is said that dairy and sugar causes fluctuations in blood sugar and hormones, which can cause acne. The bottom line, chocolate doesn't directly cause acne, but the ingredients used to make it can. man-shooshing-while-holding-chocolate

Skincare Myth #3

Wearing makeup every day will not make you age quicker because most cosmetic products protect your skin from the sun. What will cause you to age faster is more dependent on your genetics, lifestyle, and diet choices throughout your life. Choosing a healthy lifestyle is best not only for your skin but overall health. girl-applying-makeup-to-her-friend
Skincare Myth #4
The next skin care myth is that we're going to dive into is about washing your face. Do we need to wash our faces every day? Do I need to wash it twice a day? Is men's skin excluded? Acne being a result of not washing your face is both true and false. It is both true and false because not washing your face doesn't directly cause acne, but the build-up of oil and dirt overtime WILL cause acne. Washing your face twice a day will slought off any dirt and oil from that day or get your face ready for the day. man-washing-his-face
Skincare Myth #5
Many of us probably don't remember getting your first pimple, but I'm sure you remember how you tried getting rid of it -- TOOTHPASTE! Toothpaste for many years was known as an at-home remedy for acne. Although the menthol helps soothe the blemish, it doesn't actually make it go away. Toothpaste is made for your teeth and they aren't as sensitive as your skin is. Some ingredients in your toothpaste could actually make it worse. One of the best remedies for acne is using a drying lotion. Drying lotions have ingredients specific to drying out acne. acne-drying-lotion
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